Grace Parris: Honing culinary skills into a lucrative business venture

The earlier diligent efforts of a cross section of local businesses to maximize consumer attention to their goods and services which, in the past, have benefitted from little or no public accreditation, continues to undergo a steady transformation on account of the initiatives being undertaken by the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) to affix deserving recognition to the profiles of those businesses. Indeed, so preoccupied is the state-run entity with drawing consumer attention to product quality standards that it continues to publicize its ‘Made in Guyana’ mark and to provide the coveted quality standard accreditation that can take local companies ‘places.

  So focused is the GNBS’ attention on positioning local product and service entities to attract enhanced levels of public appeal that, over time, it has become one of the country’s most widely publicized entities in the services sector. The work of the GNBS has come to public attention as higher performance standards are being demanded of establishments in both the public and private sectors even as the window to business-related interaction with the rest of the international community opens ever wider.