Green Diamond Foods: The Richmonds and their agro processing entrepreneurial dream

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Oscar Richmond Co-Founder and General Manager Michellina Richmond
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Oscar Richmond Co-Founder and General Manager Michellina Richmond

With Agro Processing continuing to make a name for itself as a mainstream entrepreneurial pursuit in Guyana, the Richmonds, (Michellina and Oscar), owners of Centaur Holdings of Jacklow, Pomeroon are beginning to get that ‘we’re getting there’ feeling. What was once a trial-and-error undertaking, derived from their substantive pursuit of agriculture, and the growth which was hinged to a decidedly modest local (community) market, has graduated to an entrepreneurial undertaking that has provided the couple with an enhanced sense of purpose.

Centaur Holdings, the Richmonds believe, is well on the way to hitting its straps, graduating from the ‘hard grind’ of manual production to an automated operation that ‘turns out’ a range of manufactured products from agricultural produce. Manufacturing under the brand Green Diamond Foods, the Richmonds presently ‘turn out’ a range of products that include Cassava Casareep, Cassava Bread, Plantain Flour, Plantain Chips, Cake and Porridge Mixes and a range of Teas that utilize indigenous herbs. Incremental growth has bred enhanced ambition and the Richmonds are currently single-mindedly occupied with popularizing the brand.  Things are beginning to happen.

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Several weeks ago Centaur Holdings was ‘cleared’ by the Ministry of Agriculture to move its manufacturing operation to the state-run Agro Processing facility at Anna Regina. The Richmonds are treating this development as a significant breakthrough. “Now that we have the space, we have begun the process of acquiring equipment… an Electric Peeler, a Squeezer, A Solar Dryer, a Chipper and a Packager,” Michellina says.

 There is no questioning the ‘hype’ that has ‘infected’ the Richmonds arising out of the realization that, finally, the Green Diamond brand may finally be ‘going places.’

Focused on structuring their production regime to fit the demands of the market, the Richmonds, having contemplated the demand among visitors to the country, particularly for local cuisine, have been focusing on popularizing Green Diamond’s Casareep on the local market. The move is a reflection of the Richmonds’ determination to offer products that enhances the reputation of Guyana’s contemporary culinary culture.

Contextually, Centaur Holdings have been seeking to enhance its reputation by seeking out public acknowledgement of the quality of their produce. Accordingly, their products, having met the qualifying criteria set by the Guyana National Bureau of Standards, the Green Diamond Brand has secured the ‘Made in Guyana’ certification, a citation that better positions the company to have its products qualify for market acceptance both within and outside Guyana.

To add to these already noteworthy citations, the company ‘walked off’ with the Guyana Marketing Corporation’s (GMC) award for the Most Improved Packaging, 2024. Emboldened by the role that the various citations have played in enhancing its market appeal, the Richmonds have embarked on the pursuit of more exalted goals. Their current preoccupations include focusing on the reliable acquisition of raw materials, enhancing workers’ competence and continually growing their market share.

Seemingly determined to secure a foothold in the local and international markets, the Richmonds are diligently seeking to move their products to the stage of external market acceptability. In the instance of the demanding United States market, export readiness includes packaging and labelling standards that meet with the requirements of national watchdog  entities like (in the instance of the United States) the U S Federal and Drug Administration (FDA).

 A further important measure that the Richmonds must address is the acquisition of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) certification, an international standard for food safety that demonstrates that businesses have developed a thorough food management system for identifying, eliminating, and preventing potential hazards.

The Richmonds told that Stabroek Business that while their ambitions may appear exalted their growth ambitions are underpinned by the creep-before-you-walk principle. They recognize that their modus operandi needs to be constantly re-examined in order to realize that its various aspects dovetail with each other.  Up to this time the company is pleased with its manufactured product range. While their steely determination to succeed has meant that, up to this time, they have covered a considerable amount of ground, the Richmonds’ current aim for ‘the sky’ of access to the United States market is still, at this time, an exalted ambition. Still, they appear to have no intention to remove that goal from their list of priority ambitions.