Another $150m for road development in Mocha/Arcadia – DPI

The Mocha/Arcadia meeting (Ministry of Public Works photo)

As part of its continuing development of the Mocha/Arcadia, East Bank Demerara, community, government has announced plans to invest $150 million to accelerate road development and several initiatives to support the community’s farming activities, a Department of Public Information (DPI) release stated on Wednesday.

Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha; Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag; Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, and Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy, visited the community on Wednesday, to unveil the developments and address residents’ concerns.

According to the release, some $400 million has been utilised so far to improve roads throughout the community.