GECOM to meet twice weekly

To ensure thorough preparation for the National and Regional Elections 2025 and to address all outstanding issues, government-nominated elections commissioner Sase Gunraj told Stabroek News on Wednesday that an additional meeting day for the commissioners has been decided upon by GECOM.

Gunraj emphasized that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) already has robust systems in place to manage its operations effectively. He attributed the shortcomings of the 2020 elections to lapses in statutory compliance rather than systemic failures. Recent legislative changes, informed by public consultations and statutory oversight, are designed to address these past issues and improve future electoral processes, he said.

Vincent Alexander, opposition-nominated commissioner, on Wednesday expressed concerns about GECOM’s operations. Speaking with Stabroek News, Alexander said that Tuesday’s meeting primarily focused on scheduling discussions to address 13 outstanding issues, including biometrics, filling vacancies, media monitoring and updating operational manuals.

Alexander also accused the Chief Election Officer (CEO) Vishnu Persaud of overstepping his authority by appointing an unqualified individual to a high-paying role, a move the opposition-nominated commissioner claims was unauthorized. He asserted that the “majority” of commissioners hold the CEO accountable for this.

Gunraj disputed Alexander’s claims. Gunraj stated that neither he nor the Chairman, retired Justice Claudette Singh, has made formal statements on the issue, suggesting that a definitive “majority view” cannot yet be established. He criticized the public disclosure of internal discussions, arguing that such matters should remain confidential until a formal decision is made. Gunraj also noted that opinions within the commission often evolve after thorough discussion, making it premature for Alexander to assert a definitive stance. He said that he plans to present his views on the matter in a more structured manner next week.