The Mandela to Diamond and Schoonord to Crane roads can at best be classified as farm roads

Dear Editor,

I want to offer a constructive criticism of two recently built roads by the PPP/C government. The first is from Mandela Avenue to Diamond, East Bank Demerara and the second from Schoonord to Crane on the West Coast Demerara. These two roads are similar in every respect. I think every Guyanese welcomed this initiative and the purpose of easing the traffic congestion is well acknowledged. However, the so called finishing of these road surfaces leaves much to be desired. I think every Guyanese will agree with me that these roads are rough, bumpy and filled with ripples. Our vehicles vibrates heavily and go up and down like a roller coaster. 

Editor, my criticism has nothing to do with being thankful for these roads. It is an insult for the billions spent and what was thrown at us (Guyanese) as a finished project. In many developed countries, these kind of roads are classified as farm roads. They are used to transport farm produce and livestock mostly. Our Government must do better because Guyanese deserve better. The world is watching us. We must bring first class and “A game” performance to match the label as an oil producing country. All that is needed at this point is to cap these two roads with bitumen. This must be done urgently and by a skilled contractor who is equipped to make that smooth finish on both sides. I close by saying better must be done. 

Sincerely,                                                                                               C. Woolford