Cocaine in oil country

In Matthews Ridge at an abandoned airstrip 4.4 tonnes (8,000 pounds) of cocaine was found buried. Daily revelations about what is done in the dark coming to light would have many concluding that Guyana is a hub for some of the most corrupt practices in this part of the world. But is there outrage and loud calls for accountability? Few voices seem to be raised loud enough to be heard. Perhaps people are afraid. Guyana’s plight deepens and if our collective resistance does not evolve beyond whispers, what will become of us?

Eight thousand pounds of cocaine resting in Guyana’s soil is not a discovery that should be taken lightly by the populace. We should not be comfortable with these revelations and the disgrace it brings to our country.

Oil has brought the world to our doorsteps. They step here hoping to stand in the prosperous light, will take whatever they can, but will also judge us. Perhaps we are not concerned with how we are perceived by the rest of the world once the small percentage of the only lives that seem to matter here continue to stand in their delusions about superiority because of money and power.