Gov’t to spend $350m to enhance fishing at Mon Repos – DPI

Fisherfolk at Mon Repos North, East Coast Demerara, will soon experience enhanced working conditions, as the government plans to allocate over $350 million towards enhancing their facilities, the Department of Public Information (DPI) said.

This announcement was made by Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, yesterday during a land title distribution exercise for residents there.

This intervention stems from a previous visit to the area by President Irfaan Ali, DPI said.

“Over $350 million will be expended to enhance your landing site. We will build a ramp for the boats and fix the entire revetment there. A shed will also be put in place to provide sufficient shade,” the minister said.  

The measures are expected to impact approximately 100 boats operating at the location. 

The minister also mentioned that stalls would be constructed near the landing site, ensuring consumers have a smoother shopping experience and fisherfolk can sell at better prices. 

“What we experienced is that the fishing boats are selling to the trucks, and when they go to the markets, people are paying double the price. Going forward, at these landing sites, we will be building stalls and we are encouraging people to come to the landing sites to purchase fish so that the fisherfolk can get a better price for the fish and the consumer can enjoy a better price as well,” Mustapha said.