UG to offer Master’s degree programme in artificial intelligence

Students of the Computer Science Department, at UG’s Turkeyen Campus (Girendra Persaud photo)
Students of the Computer Science Department, at UG’s Turkeyen Campus (Girendra Persaud photo)

The University of Guyana (UG) has announced the addition of two ground-breaking Master’s degree programmes.

In a release yesterday, UG said that the programmes, namely Master in Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Master in Information Systems, which are set to commence later this month, will be offered by the University’s Faculty of Natural Sciences’ Department of Computer Science, with lecturers who possess years of industry experience spearheading the delivery of the content. It added that these Master’s degrees can be completed in as little as eighteen months and delivered mostly online, with some aspects being face-to-face.

The university’s Coordinator of the Master’s programmes, Dr Girendra Persaud, described this achievement as a pivotal step in Guyana’s march toward technological leadership and innovation. “This is a proud moment for us at the University of Guyana and an achievement that should be celebrated. We should be immensely proud as a country to introduce the Master in Artificial Intelligence and Master in Information Systems at UG, as it marks a pivotal step in our nation’s progress toward technological leadership and innovation. These advanced programmes not only align us with global trends in digital transformation but also empower our local talent to contribute meaningfully to local and regional development. By offering these cutting-edge programmes, we are investing in our future, fostering a culture of innovation, and positioning Guyana as a hub for technological development in the Caribbean and beyond. This milestone reflects our commitment to building a knowledge-based economy and nurturing the skills that will drive sustainable growth and competitiveness on the global stage.”

Master in Artificial Intelligence

According to the release, the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence programme is designed to equip students with both foundational and advanced knowledge, along with technical skills in the field of AI. This multidisciplinary programme will draw on knowledge from various industry sectors and disciplines, providing students with opportunities to apply skills such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics, among others, to address complex real-world problems and opportunities.

It explained that the curriculum includes both theoretical coursework and practical experiences such as hands-on projects, industry-led seminars, and internships, preparing graduates for careers in AI development, research, and various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture, education, and beyond. The curriculum complements the programme’s aim to develop students who can innovate, design, implement, and critique AI solutions.

The goal of this programme is to provide fundamental exposure to the principles of Artificial Intelligence and to prepare graduates to become leading specialists in public and private organisations, or for further studies in Artificial Intelligence and related disciplines.

And with the demand for graduates in Artificial Intelligence continues to grow worldwide, the university pointed out that graduates can be employed as AI specialists/engineers in public and private sector organisations or become entrepreneurs in the tech industry. It noted that currently, there are no Master’s in Artificial Intelligence programmes available across the region, so this programme will fill a gap that currently exists.

Master in Information Systems

The Master of Science (MSc) in Information Systems programme, the university stated, aims to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to spearhead technology-driven changes in both industry and society. It seeks to cultivate IT experts who can take on roles as Chief Information Officers, technology innovators, and mid- to upper-level IT professionals. Participants will develop key competencies in management, leadership, and technical expertise, enabling them to effectively implement and enhance information technologies that meet the needs of their organisations.

The university explained that the aim of the programme is to cultivate graduates who embody the qualities of “hybrid managers” – those who can strategically align technology to meet business needs, adeptly navigate the complexities of management within organisational contexts, and proficiently manage information resources and underlying technologies in rapidly changing environments. The programme also involves understanding an organisation’s goals and then developing IT solutions to meet those specific needs in a sustainable way.

Prospective applicants wishing more details on these Master’s programmes such as programme content, cost, entry requirements and the application process, can visit,  Or contact the Course Coordinator via email at: