The CARICOM countries who are silent on Venezuela stand out in a hemisphere that embraces democracy

Dear Editor,

I am a democrat. I abhor dictatorship. This is why I strongly condemn attempts to stifle the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people by the Maduro regime. It is saddening to know that with the exception of Guyana and Suriname, no other CARICOM country signed a joint multi-country statement sponsored by the United States in condemnation of the Maduro regime for attempting to rig the recent national elections.

Unlike most of the CARICOM countries Guyana and Suriname are the only two CARICOM countries that experienced dictatorial rule in the past. It is not only understandable but also commendable that they both took a principled position on the issue of dictatorial rule. I am disappointed by the apparent ambiguity displayed by the other CARICOM countries on the issue. The region, and for that matter the vast majority of countries in hemisphere now embrace democracy and democratic rule. Any departure from that trend is an aberration to democratic norms.

This conspiracy of silence, for whatever reason or reasons, is counterproductive and inimical to the image of the region as a bastion of democracy.


Hydar Ally