Essequibo U-13 stars benefit from `Cricket Gear for Young Cricketers in Guyana’ 

Usain Fredericks (left) and Ravid Fredericks (right) posed for a photo with Anil Beharry of “Cricket Gear for Young & Upcoming Cricketers”.

Even as Anil Beharry continues his philanthropic cricket gear distribution project, he has made it clear that there are certain criteria that have to be met by the young recipients, chief among those is discipline, a willingness to learn and more importantly, academic interest and regular attendance at school.

Beharry, who told Stabroek Sports that he first started the project just over a decade ago, said that it was something that started as a personal way of giving to young talented cricketers who were in need of gear. However, as the initiative became more public, a pool of Guyanese both local and in the diaspora has helped to contribute to the development of scores of youngsters.

Even current West Indian stars Shamar Joseph and Gudakesh Motie have benefited from the project in the past.