Probe of allegations of kidnapping, extortion by GRA employee still ongoing – police

Phillip Paruag

It has been over three months now since the ongoing investigation into the allegations of kidnapping and extortion against two Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU) ranks and Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) employee, Phillip Paruag.

According to the Regional Commander, Superintendent Raphael Rose yesterday, there is no further information in the matter as yet, with the file still with the police as the investigation is still ongoing.

Back in June, the commander told the Sunday Stabroek that the file concerning the matter had returned to the police from the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for further investigation into the matter. He added that the investigation is ongoing in the matter as the DPP has advised to have other areas cleared up before the file is resent for further advice.

The incident in question was said to have occurred on March 23. According to reports, a Brazilian businessman and his wife were allegedly kidnapped and held for ransom by the CANU officers. The incident is said to have taken place in Lethem, where the couple was visiting.

It was reported that Paruag had initially turned himself over to the police when the matter first came to his attention.  This is not the first time Paruag has been accused of wrongdoing. In 2016, he was dismissed by GRA following investigations into similar allegations. However, he was rehired in 2021 and deployed to Lethem.