Small miners continuing to push back against reducing mercury use – GGMC

Newell Dennison

-planned testing in 2021 of key alternative still to be done

The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) continues to face challenges from miners who insist on using the dangerous pollutant mercury to separate gold, citing its cost-effectiveness and lack of access to cheaper alternatives, Commissioner of the GGMC, Newell Dennison says.

Clamping down on mercury use here also poses major challenges for regulatory agencies due to this country’s porous borders and lack of data to ascertain how much is being smuggled in and out.

Despite these setbacks, GGMC says it will continue to push for environmentally cleaner alternatives and will begin rollout of the promised RIVEN minerals recovery system, as logistics plans were stalled due to COVID-19 and the non-delivery of the machines which were only recently received.