Implement safety measures at our creeks to prevent more tragedies

Dear Editor,

A recent Facebook post spoke of the death of two young ladies while swimming at one of our creeks. It was one of the young ladies’ birthday! A very sad day for all. CRG extends its condolences to the families and friends of the deceased.

It also reminded me of the death of a very promising young man from Queen’s College who also died while swimming after successfully completing his CXC exams. These tragedies occurred in locations where a lot of swimming takes place. Unfortunately, there were no lifeguards present and the locations had no safety measures in place, such as demarcating buoys which help prevent swimmers from going into deep areas or areas where there is a strong undercurrent.

The NDCs and the Government should review the creeks and other locations where people like to visit to swim and put in place a lifeguard tower, pay lifeguards to be on duty and ensure that the necessary safety measures are implemented. This will help prevent more tragedies such as these from occurring and ensure that everyone leaves for home after safely enjoying themselves.

It is also important that we make safety a top priority in all of our undertakings. Such a mindset will help create a great foundation upon which to start our 3rd world to 1st world transformation efforts.


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
