Tabatinga creek dredging will reduce flooding and other impacts faced by Lethem and surrounding areas’ farmers

Dear Editor,

The Lethem Township and surrounding communities have long faced the challenge of flooding during the rainy season, which has had significant impacts on farmers and residents alike. In response, the Ministry of Agriculture, through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), has stepped up with timely and crucial interventions to address this pressing issue. By partnering with the Regional Democratic Council of Region 9 and the Lethem Town Council, the Ministry of Agriculture initiated the dredging of the Tabatinga Creek. This project is essential to improving the drainage system in Lethem, helping to prevent the severe flooding that disrupts lives and livelihoods.

The ongoing project will bring significant relief to crop and livestock farmers, who often face devastating losses due to waterlogged fields and pastures. More-over, residents of the township stand to benefit from this intervention, as it will reduce the risk of damage to homes and property caused by flooding. This collaborative effort demonstrates the Ministry’s dedication to supporting the region’s agricultural sector and improving the overall well-being of Lethem’s communities. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture, the NDIA, and all stakeholders involved for their prompt action and commitment to making Lethem more resilient in the face of natural challenges.


Andrew Lashley