US says Russia received missiles from Iran, piles on sanctions

LONDON/WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – Russia has received ballistic missiles from Iran for its war in Ukraine, the United States said yesterday as it imposed fresh sanctions on ships and companies it said were involved in supplying Moscow with Iranian weapons.

At a news conference in London ahead of a visit to Kyiv he and Britain’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy will make, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Washington had privately warned Iran that providing ballistic missiles to Russia would be “a dramatic escalation.”

“Russia has now received shipments with these ballistic missiles, and will likely use them within weeks in Ukraine, against Ukraine,” Blinken said, citing intelligence that he said has been shared with U.S. allies and partners around the world.

The U.S. later identified nine Russian-flagged vessels it said were involved in the delivery of weapons from Iran to Russia, designating them as “blocked property” under Washington’s sanctions regime, according to the Treasury Department’s website.