The gas to energy project is unhealthy, unnecessary

Dear Editor,

“The hazards associated with gas-to-energy projects include: methane leaks throughout the gas extraction, transportation, and processing stages, which contribute significantly to climate change, potential explosions from pipeline leaks, air pollution from combustion products like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides”. (Reference: Climate Council. org, Southern Environmental Law Center).

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “Nitrate and Nitrogen Fertilizers and Cancer”, President’s Cancer Panel – October 21, 2008, “In addition to methemoglobinemia, a range of other health effects have been associated with ingesting nitrate-contaminated drinking water, including various cancers, adverse reproductive outcomes (especially neural tube defects), diabetes, and thyroid conditions”. The water contamination occurs from run off and accumulation in ground water under agricultural land. The result is that well water is contaminated by the fertilizer.  The report also stated, “The ecological effects of too much nitrogen in the environment are well-known and include algal blooms resulting in ‘dead zones’ in freshwater lakes and coastal areas”.

We cannot as a country continue to neglect the importance of everyone’s health in the pursuit of a system that has been proven to be ineffective in achieving sustainable long-term economic growth. The U.S. Budget Committee (Reference:, January 26, 2024) stated, “mandatory health care spending is the key driver of our nation’s $34 trillion debt, driving America to the edge of insolvency”.

Many people in countries that have pursued this strategy of fertilizing their products with the byproducts of the oil and gas sector have been severely impacted by cancer. As a result, these economies are making a significant shift towards organic products so as to secure their future health. Guyana must make the immediate shift towards this new healthy organic strategy so as to avoid the pitfalls and errors of the current leading economies. Consumers in leading economies are willing to pay a premium for this healthier way of life. Our small country has a very healthy environment primarily due to our lagging economic growth. This has been a blessing in disguise and has helped us avoid the adverse effects of a highly industrialized economy. We must now learn from the mistakes of others and ensure that we avoid making the same mistakes. It is better to leave the production of the fertilizer to others and focus our efforts on healthy organic agriculture.

The EPA continues to show a lack of thoroughness in their project evaluations and they should not be expected to do a thorough job in regulating such an industry. The protection of our citizens appears to be a significant weakness under the current leadership. The public discussion over Coverden is an example that brings much concern. The lack of EIAs for major projects that will impact the environment also gives pause and reduces confidence in the EPA. It is better for us to take the conservative approach and avoid the risks associated with these cancer-causing projects. As the saying goes “Prevention is better than Cure”. What is even more concerning is that the first project hasn’t been completed and another is being proposed and planned. Leave the gas pipeline alone. The sunk costs and lack of timely financing for the project is a clear indicator that responsible decision making is not occurring.

If the government is not willing to place the safety of our citizens at the forefront of their decision making then we must as a people demand change. Change that will ensure the safety of ourselves and our children and our children’s children. If they are not in it for the long term, then we must be, and we must place those in leadership that can appreciate the importance of our safety and the health of the environment in which we live. It is preferable to see the new hospitals empty and live a long life in a healthy environment.

As for the energy benefits of the gas to energy project, the government’s argument is very weak at best. In 2022 Solar added 191 GW of new capacity globally. This was the most new renewable energy capacity added globally. In 2023 over 80% of new power capacity added to the world market was renewable energy. (Reference: International Renewable Energy Agency). The world is accelerating its transition to renewable energy due to the favourable economics of renewables and the adverse impact of climate change. It is not only profitable, but also necessary. Guyana is currently not in sync with the world trend. Our gas should be sold and the funds used to invest in renewable energy needs. We do not need any more mega projects that are extremely expensive and at risk of extensive corruption. The people must speak up and voice their objections. The gas to energy project is unhealthy, unnecessary, unneeded and not helpful in our pursuit to become a first world nation of the future.

We must pursue the path and the destination of where leading nations would like to be. Instead of the path and the destination of where they are today. Learn from their mistakes and avoid them. Do not repeat them. Unfortunately, this is the current course of transformation that is being pursued by the government of today. It is time for change. President Ali and VP Jagdeo must make a fundamental shift in their development strategy if they wish to remain relevant in the future. Otherwise, Guyanese families will never forgive them if illness comes as a result of the gas to energy project.

With concern,

Mr. Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
