GFF adopts child safeguarding strategy

The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) has adopted a child safeguarding policy that is in compliance with FIFA regulations to ensure the protection of children involved in the discipline.

This was confirmed by a release from the federation. According to the correspondence, “Central to the policy is a requirement for all individuals engaged in football-related activities that involve minors to undergo mandatory safeguarding training. Participants must also sign a formal declaration agreeing to adhere to the policy’s strict guidelines on appropriate conduct with children. The policy applies to coaches, staff, volunteers, referees, and administrators at both the national and club levels.”

The release further stated that the enacted framework speaks to the appointment of a dedicated safeguarding officer who will be responsible for implementing and managing any reported incidents, noting that an international safeguarding steering group within the federation, which comprises members from various departments, will monitor the policy’s effectiveness and make recommendations and improvements when required.