GMC General Manager says she launched audit of irregularities

Teshawna Lall
Teshawna Lall

-disputes ministry’s statement

By Khadidja Ba

Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) General Manager, Teshawna Lall yesterday said that she had initiated an audit after detecting irregularities between the accounting department of GMC and the special projects unit and has been awaiting a decision on the way forward from the Ministry of Agriculture.

In an exclusive interview with Stabroek News, Lall said that she launched the audit after noticing irregularities involving the Accountant and the Special Projects Manager (SPM).  Lall’s contention that she was the driving force behind the launch of the audit is at odds with a statement that was issued yesterday by the Ministry of Agriculture which said that it was the  Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha who launched the investigation.

“Basically, the information that the Ministry put out is not correct,” Lall said. “I was the one that called the audit based on some irregularities I was noticing between the Accountant and the Special Projects Manager”, she said.