Man remanded over firearm, ammo on Norton St

Azariah Alli

Twenty-nine-year-old, Azariah Alli appeared before Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court yesterday to answer to the charges of unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition.

According to the prosecutor, Alli was found in possession of a 9mm pistol and eight live rounds of 9mm ammunition on Norton Street, Georgetown. It was alleged that Alli did not have a firearm licence.

Bernard DaSilva, Alli’s attorney, refuted the prosecutor’s version of the events, stating that his client was standing on the roadside with a friend when ranks from the Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU) approached. DaSilva claimed that Alli’s friend dropped a bag and fled. When CANU officers were unable to apprehend the friend, they allegedly told Alli the bag was now his responsibility unless he provided information on his associate.