Truckers banned from state reserve at Ruimveldt

Minister Juan Edghill (centre) meeting sand trucks drivers on a way forward (DPI photo)
Minister Juan Edghill (centre) meeting sand trucks drivers on a way forward (DPI photo)

Following an afternoon consultation with the Ministry of Public Works, sand truck owners, who normally park at the Ruimveldt reserves, have agreed to relocate their trucks.

Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill yesterday met with the truckers at his ministry’s office, according to a release from the Department of Public Information (DPI).

The trucks had previously parked on the state reserve in the vicinity of the Continental agency subsidiary and Torginol Paints Inc. They had affected the daily operations of that company. The dumping of  leftover sand had also worsened  the situation. Therefore, a ban was imposed earlier yesterday by  Edghill, prohibiting sand trucks from operating their business in that area.