A President Harris will inspire generations to come

Dear Editor,

The upcoming general elections in the USA will not be close as the pundits are predicting because of one important factor which has always meant the most in circumstances which are complicated and difficult to comprehend like the situation when Harry Truman, a virtual unknown Vice President who succeeded Roosevelt in 1945, went on to become a great US President;  or Ronald Reagan, a movie star, became Governor of California and then President of the USA  when  low  expectations of his rule proved wrong and he delivered the fall of communism; or John F. Kennedy, a virtual unknown Senator, defeated Nixon in a narrow election and went on to become a legend of his time; or George Washington himself, who defeated the best British troops and became the greatest President of the United States. The list could go on and on, from Alexander the Great to Winston Churchill and as I said before, the most important factor is a common thread which ties all good and great leaders together and that factor is the ability of each of them to rise to the occasion – to rise and shine and inspire regular folks to gravitate to that leader’s positions, judgements and decisions.

And so, Editor, in looking at the political landscape of America, it is obvious to me, that, faced with the complexities of Biden’s departure, the danger to democracy in America, the political divisions and vitriolic politics and the lies, distortions and hate filled speech which is present for all to witness requires a leader who can rise to the present occasion and that leader is most certainly, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Editor, VP Harris, since Mr. Biden’s departure, has consolidated her hold on the Democratic party  very quickly while getting endorsements from quite a few Republicans;  her strong delivery of speeches has given her more support;  her debate performance against Trump was triumphant;  she has managed to raise four times the amount of money from big and small donors than Trump; she is consolidating Black support throughout America, a very important factor especially in swing states;  her skills as a prosecutor places her in a unique position to attract women voters, especially with the abortion issue, the medical (Obamacare) issue and the gun safety issues;  and most of all, she has positioned herself, and which the American population have ready accepted, to be the most powerful woman in the world, with a new generational style and providence. She has certainly risen to the occasion.

Editor, in her rise to the occasion that exists today in America, VP Harris will win a solid victory over Trump which will inspire new generations for years to come. President Harris will be good for Guyana and bad for Maduro and she will “watch our back”, so, yoll, tell all your friends and relatives in America to vote for Kamala because she has risen to the occasion.


Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)