Dear Editor,
The Britcham launch at Lords Cricket Ground was a rip roaring success. Two hundred came to the home of cricket for an expensive night with two GuyKnights (Trevor and Clive), (too loud) music and (too long) speeches. It was like being back in Guyana at the Peg-A-Sus.
First the Knights. Sir Trevor Phillips giving a nuanced speech inviting the business audience to ‘embrace’ the Guyanese, Sir Clive Lloyd, Hors de combat thanks to two dodgy knees but proudly wearing his Caricom award and somewhat perplexed at the seeming lack of progress on the ‘Cricket Academy’!
The live speeches – Jane Miller, Raj Singh and Faisal Khan were a tad repetitive, full of rhetoric and over long. The President recorded on tape also needed some subbing as did Peter Ramsaroop live.
The CEO of GOINVEST was hampered by a broken leg and a PowerPoint presentation that looked like a version of snakes and ladders. Guyanese origin Foreign Secretary David Lammy was hoping to be there but got diverted by a trip to Kyiv with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.
The size of the paying audience showed the interest in Oil Dorado and investment. The proof of the pudding will come in the follow up of real money. But, overall, well done Britcham.
John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’ Mair