High quality Nursery and K-3 literacy and numeracy pedagogy are contingent on a critical mass of well-trained, well-rewarded early childhood educators

Dear Editor,

I refer to the letter headed “Math intervention must begin at the primary level”. The importance of primary level education is widely accepted and strongly supported by solid research evidence.  However, it’s not about “intervention” when there is a crisis. Good literacy and numeracy instruction is critical, using evidence-based pedagogy, starting in the very early primary grades (K-3) and building on a strong foundation of play-based literacy and numeracy instruction at the nursery/pre-school level. 

You may build modern, comfortable, and safe schools, and revise, reform and update your Nursery and Early Primary Curriculum (all admirable actions, to be sure) but the bottom line is that you won’t get high quality Nursery and K-3 pedagogy without a critical mass of well-trained, well-rewarded early childhood educators.

As for the Lynn & Vanhanen IQ stats quoted by the letter writer, they are so fundamentally flawed, possibly with racist underpinnings, that Mr. Rushton himself may be in need of an intervention for quoting them in Stabroek News or anywhere in the Caribbean media. Just imagine, these writers claim that almost every CARICOM state has a “national IQ” (whatever, that is) below the average of 100?!? To quote my favourite tennis great, “You cannot be serious!”

Let me simply point out that the methodology, incomplete data, faulty analysis, and unjustified conclusions of Lynn and Vanhanen have been thoroughly and negatively critiqued in the published academic literature.


G N Harewood