New York Guyanese walked down memory lane to celebrate their identity and patriotism to their homeland

Dear Editor,

Thousands of Guyanese and other Caribbean people congregated last Saturday September 7 at a large public park in Schenectady, Upstate New York, for a splendid day of entertainment and summer picnic. The event was planned and organized by the City Council with inputs from local organizations. Popular singer Terry Gajraj and the Angels Band entertained the crowd.

It was an event that Guyanese used to reconnect with friends, fellow villagers from back home, and loved ones from Guyana and NYC. They reminisced about life back home and celebrated their culture and ‘Guyaneseness’. It was a trip down memory lane to celebrate their identity and to show patriotism to the homeland. Congregants waived flags and bandanas. Representatives from the Consul General, the Guyana Embassy in Washington and Minister Ashni Singh, who was visiting New York, graced the event.

Consul General of Guyana, Ambassador Mark Brotherson, said his office patronized the event as part of its and the Guyana government outreach program. “We are promoting the ‘One Guyana’ concept, promulgating and encouraging Guyanese diaspora engagement, and associating the Consulate with diaspora activities. We have organized events around the Metro area and patronized events held by Guyanese associations in order to bring communities together. Minister Dr. Ashni Singh was at the event. Representatives of our office attended summer public events and we were at Labor Day March in Brooklyn as well”.


Vishnu Bisram