These works at New Diamond/Grove Primary should not be happening during school hours

Dear Editor,

We had approximately two months of holiday so I don’t understand why contractors chose to start construction work now during school hours at New Diamond/Grove Primary School  rather than when the kids were not in school.

Also, people are cutting grass in the school yard during school hours.

It is unsettling to know, as parents, that our children are not only in school with their teachers but also a bunch of strangers who are working so noisily while they do their school work. The whole roof is being torn off as well while the children are doing school work.

When you go to pick up your kids you hear these construction workers cursing at each other, one was at the side of the school shed smoking, having the kids inhale second-hand smoke while they wait for their parents to pick them up.

I believe these things should have been done all the while school was out. I would hope that they are not also using the same washroom as the children while they work from morning until after 5 pm at the school.

The Ministry of Education needs to do better at ensuring our children’s safety while they are in school and ensure that contractors and grass weeders do their jobs when school is not in full swing.

Yours faithfully,

J. Smith