A space for your place

Finding a place (AI generated photo from Freepix)
Finding a place (AI generated photo from Freepix)

There are around 8.2 billion people living in our world. Our planet has never been as heavily populated by human beings as it is today. There are so many ideas, cultures and thoughts that saturate our lives every single day. There are parts of our world where people are crammed into tiny living spaces that are piled on top of each other. There are places on our planet where people cannot eat, drink or even breathe freely because the quantity of resources available does not match the size of the population. With all of this taking place, it is no wonder that sometimes, it feels like there is no space for us to simply exist.

Nevertheless, as young people, we are responsible for carrying out the heavy task of finding a place for ourselves on this seemingly oversaturated planet. So, when we come face to face with the reality that our world is already full, we naturally find ourselves wondering how it is that we can find a space for our place.