New pact no boon for teachers – Region Two educator

Martin Samaroo
Martin Samaroo

Expressing frustration with the leadership of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) and suggesting that some leaders might have become overwhelmed or fatigued during this year’s strike and prolonged negotiations and therefore failed to effectively communicate critical information back to the membership, a Region Two teacher has said that he is dissatisfied with the agreement signed between the GTU and the Ministry of Education. 

Sharing his thoughts in a Facebook Live post, Martin Samaroo said: “This entire saga will go down in history as one of the greatest movements – industrial action – this country has ever seen, but also one of the greatest disappointments that we would have experienced.”

Samaroo said he was sceptical about promotion opportunities for outspoken educators, suggesting that the current environment stifles those who are critical of the system. “When you question the system, you are treated as an outsider,” he remarked, criticising the lack of openness to constructive feedback. “I am seriously considering not being a public servant but rather being a proprietor.”