The Chief Citizen is speaking from the other side of his mouth

Dear Editor

The Chief Citizen is at it again.  This time speaking from the other side of his mouth about the paltry government subvention, labelling it ‘an insult to the residents’, allocated to purchase a garbage truck and a dump truck (SN September 15). The mode the subject minister and a councillor resorted to, provoked his ire in a wordy missive. Of course one garbage truck and one dump truck is a drop in the ocean of what the Council requires to effectively manage its responsibilities to the City. When was the last time the Council bought these vehicles?  Monies, no paltry sum, was wasted on a failed project (Presidential Park?) along Upper Regent Road. No word is ever heard about that.

His Lordship seems to have forgotten, speaking from the other side of his mouth, the rushed motion, without proper consultation,  regarding the rates and taxes of political parties, of which the party he is a member of, stands to be a major beneficiary, was also an insult to residents and was a ‘clear reflection of misplaced priorities’. The mammoth amount owing to the Council is outrageous and no paltry sum and ought to be collected in order to purchase the several trucks and allied vehicles needed. It is an affront to label the subvention meagre and an insult when $6.7B is owed by the very party that heads the City local government.  What is more repulsive than that?


Shamshun Mohamed