Man charged with murder of wife at Free and Easy

James Lord called ‘Jamesy’, a 34-year-old sawmill operator of Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, appeared yesterday before Magistrate Rhondell Weever, to face the charge of murder committed on Alexis Roxanne Harris on September 8 at Free and Easy, West Bank Demerara.

Lord was not required to plead and was remanded to prison.

Lord allegedly fatally stabbed Harris and then inflicted wounds on his body. Regional Commander, Assistant Commissioner Mahendra Siwnarine, told Stabroek News that Lord was released from the West Demerara Hospital after being hospitalised for several days. He was taken into custody at the Wales Police station.

Harris has left behind her family including two daughters, ages 12 and 11, and two sons, ages 5 and 8.