Outdoor learning is great for the young minds

Dear Editor,

The listening and grounding walkabout seems focused on the hinterland.

With the stifling, hot weather, what is wrong with classes being held outdoors, under the cashew tree?

Many useful lessons are taught and learned in these conditions.

The  report about no building, which is being stuck to, did not mention whether the nursery children were using pit latrines or flush toilets.

The claim of no school building was debunked with the photograph of a flat building.  However, the depiction in one daily (GT September 17) of the building amidst greenery, a better walkway can be developed for the students along with the field for outdoor activities. 

Outdoor learning is great for the young minds.  They get to appreciate nature, the environment and can have an impact on their learning abilities.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed