Still no repairs to the Lethem road

Dear Editor,

A few months ago when the Mabura – Lethem road was at its worst and traffic was stalled for days at numerous bad spots, His Excellency, President Irfaan Ali, publicly stated that once the dry season arrived that the road would be repaired. It is now almost two months into the dry season and residents remain disappointed and frustrated that the promises made all seem to be empty because very little repairs have been done during the dry period. Following the President’s utterances two very senior government ministers – Ministers of Natural Resources and Public Works – also visited the road and made further commitments to have the repairs done in the earliest possible time. To date, there has been no mobilization of equipment to indicate any sort of works commencing soon. Nor has there been any announcement over contractors.

It is time government, or its authorized agency, give a public announcement on when really the road repairs will commence? Rupununi residents see so much money being spent to build all kinds of fancy roads and bridges on the coast yet they are made to feel as though they live in another country which is too poor to offer even a minimally efficient road network from Georgetown – Lethem. Since so many things in this country are seen through a political lens, it is instructive to note that at no time between 2015 – 2020 did this road ever deteriorate to the condition it presently is in. That in itself can be used against the present government as the election campaign approaches.

So it benefits both the government and the people of the Rupununi to have these repairs commence earliest.

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address supplied)