No Rose Hall sugar missing, there was overstatement by 243 tonnes – GuySuCo

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) yesterday denied that sugar was unaccounted for from the Rose Hall estate but said there had been an overstatement by 243 tonnes and two persons were dismissed as a result.

It was the corporation’s first reaction to a news item in the September 15 Sunday Stabroek which had said that 240 tonnes of sugar could not be accounted for.

Referring to questions raised by APNU+AFC Shadow Minister of Agriculture, Vinceroy Jordan in yesterday’s edition of Stabroek News,  GuySuCo said “Mr. Jordan also spoke of missing sugar at Rose Hall. The Corporation is tired of his false claim, specifically since there was no issue of missing sugar. However, what had occurred was a major breach in the standard operating procedure for sugar declaration (over a period of time), which resulted in an over declaration. This was deemed as a serious misconduct, which led to the dismissal of the Production Manager and the Head Laboratory Technician”.