Rebranded LIAT 2020 looking to service Guyana route

The new LIAT (Antigua Observer photo)
The new LIAT (Antigua Observer photo)

Rebranded regional airline – LIAT 2020 – has asked the Government of Guyana for permission to once again service this destination but has been told that it has to meet the requirements for a number of processes including those relating to finances and safety.

It is in this regard that government is calling on persons here to make objections or representations if they had any, on the airline, as it conducts its due diligence and other processes.

“LIAT 2020 Limited is a new airline incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda and was granted an Air Operator Certificate by the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority earlier in 2024. LIAT 2020 Limited applied to the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority to commence scheduled air services and as per the Civil Aviation (Licensing of Air Transport Service) Regulation 2001 the application was published for the public to make representation and/or objections for the proposed service,” Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, who holds oversight for the aviation sector, told Stabroek News yesterday when contacted.