The Ministry of Education has to lead the way to resolve the heat crisis in city schools

Dear Editor,

I recently had to attend a special parents’ meeting at a city school. This meeting was held from 13:00 hrs in the school’s auditorium. Upon entering, the first thing that was immediately noted was that the building was very hot and there were no fans. As the auditorium filled to capacity the stifling heat became almost unbearable. This led me to wonder how our children are coping in this heat and if their classrooms mirror the setup which the parents faced in the auditorium?  From the response given by my children, it seems that no relief has been offered and students are left to depend on the strength of their immune system to combat this heat surge. The number of children falling ill is also said to be on the increase.

I therefore place this question to the officials at the Ministry of Education – what is your plan to combat this heat wave which must be affecting our children who are packed into poorly ventilated schools? As a parent, I stand ready to support the Ministry of Education in whatever plan they have in place to help make our children more comfortable. Just make it public so parents will know what they have to do. Our children deserve better. And as official guardian of our children, the Ministry of Education has to lead the way in coming up with a solution. Please do something urgently!


M. Abraham