Crime and business sector productivity in T&T tagged by House of Assembly Secretary in maiden presentation

Trinidad and Tobago
Police Commissioner
Erla Harewood-Christopher
Trinidad and Tobago Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher

Trinidad and Tobago’s seemingly sustained crime wave has been sufficiently widespread and consistent, with one of the latest reports suggesting that the phenomenon has significantly impacted the behavioural practices of the work force and by extension, the business sector, by disrupting the manner in which that sector operates. A public comment published in the Wednesday September 18 issue of the Trinidad Guardian quotes the Industrial Court President, Heather Seale-Augustine, as saying that the severity of the crime situation in the twin-island republic has been sufficiently intense to affect the operating regime of the country’s business sector by disrupting the way companies operate. The comment points to a heightened level of anxiety at the political level over the crime wave that currently obtains in parts of the twin-island republic and the impact on a business sector which appears to be particularly targeted by criminal gangs.