Grenada welcomes support from the UK and CCCCC to increase access to climate finance and response to climate change

Participants and facilitators of the training in Grenada

The Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment and Renewable Energy welcomes support from the United Kingdom (UK) Government and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) to equip more than 25 technical officers and sectoral experts to develop bankable climate projects to increase the country’s access to climate finance and improve its response to climate change. 

The CCCCC delivered capacity-building training in Grenada from September 11th  to 13th 2024, at the Radisson Grenada Beach Resort through the Small Island Developing States Capacity and Resilience (SIDAR) Programme for the Caribbean, which is financed through the UK Foreign Commonwealth, Develop-ment Office (UK FCDO).

The capacity-building training workshop was conducted as Grenada, along with its sister islands Petite Martinique and Carriacou undergo climate-resilient recovery and rebuilding efforts following the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl.