MP calls for release of Rose Hall estate first crop audit

Vinceroy Jordan

-amid concerns about unaccounted for sugar

APNU+AFC MP Vinceroy Jordan yesterday cast doubt on  an explanation by GuySuCo over alleged unaccounted for sugar from the Rose Hall factory and has called for the release of the audit of the first crop this year at the estate.

In a statement, Jordan adverted to a  report in yesterday’s Stabroek News where the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo)  denied that sugar was unaccounted for from Rose Hall Estate but said that there had been an overstatement by 243 tonnes. Consequently, two persons were dismissed from their jobs in the industry. The statement from GuySuCo added that “what had occurred was a major breach in the standard operating procedure for sugar declaration (over a period of time) which resulted in an over declaration, which was deemed a serious misconduct.”