ISKF Team Guyana in London for ISKF 4TH ShotoCup World Tournament

The Guyanese ISKF Team in London who will be competing at the 4th ShotoCup World Tournament this weekend. Team leader Sensei Christopher Chaves (centre front row) will be hoping for his charges to medal at the event.
The Guyanese ISKF Team in London who will be competing at the 4th ShotoCup World Tournament this weekend. Team leader Sensei Christopher Chaves (centre front row) will be hoping for his charges to medal at the event.

An International ShotoKan Karate Federation (ISKF) Guyanese team accompanied by a delegation of 99 participants, parents, and supporters, has safely arrived in London, England for the ISKF 4th ShotoCup World Tournament.

The tourney will take place this weekend at the UEL SportsDock, University Way, Beckton, London.

According to a release from ISKF Guyana, the athletes are acclimatizing to the local environment and are undergoing intensive training sessions to ensure they are in peak condition for the competition.