Former Burrowes School of Art head details circumstances leading to resignation

Ian Ivor Thom
Ian Ivor Thom

Guyanese sculptor and former administrator of the E.R. Burrowes School of Art, Ian Ivor Thom,  has provided more details regarding the incident that led to his resignation earlier this month.

Speaking with the Sunday Stabroek yesterday, Thom recounted the events of September 7, when he was verbally assaulted with racial slurs by a member of the public, which he said contributed to his decision to step down from his post.

According to Thom, the confrontation occurred as he was preparing to leave the art school after completing work on a sculpture of former PPP/C Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Presidential Secretariat, the late Dr Roger Luncheon. As he readied his car to depart, he noticed a red SUV parked in a manner that made it difficult for him to exit the parking space without risking a collision. Thom approached the driver of the SUV, informing him that the parking lot was reserved for students and staff of the school. This interaction, however, quickly escalated, with the SUV driver becoming enraged and hurling racial slurs at Thom.