PM promises Mahdia new generator to end power woes

Prime Minister Mark Phillips (centre) at Mahdia yesterday (Office of the Prime Minister photo)
Prime Minister Mark Phillips (centre) at Mahdia yesterday (Office of the Prime Minister photo)

The frequent power outages being experienced by residents of Mahdia may soon be a thing of the past with the announcement by government that the township will be getting a new generating set.

According to a Department of Public Information (DPI) release, this was announced by Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips who is performing the duties as President. He stated that upon receiving the information about the power outages from the Mahdia Power and Light Company Incorporated, he immediately began sourcing a new generator to mitigate the power issue.

“I want to assure you that we’re looking for a generator now to send into Mahdia before the end of this month, a new generator. Once I find a new generator, it might be this weekend or next week, it will be on its way to Mahdia to deal with this power situation once and for all. That’s my promise to you.”