Stabilising Wales soil for gas project took huge amount of sand, loan

The entrance to the GtE plant

-opposition has questions

Huge amounts of material have had to be purchased to stabilize the soil at Wales for the over US$1b gas to energy (GtE) project, drawing concerns from the opposition and raising questions as to whether all investors in that area will face similar expenses.

Project lead for the Wales, West Bank Demerara  GtE project, Winston Brassington, on Thursday made a presentation to an American Chamber of Commerce event at the Marriott Hotel and disclosed that 1.65 million cubic metres (m3) of sand had to be brought in for soil stabilisation. In addition to the sand, he said that 160,000m3 of loam and 25,000m3 of crusher run had to be used for the stabilisation exercise. This would have been at a significant cost which was not disclosed.