City vendors protest removal from front of Popeyes’ Water St location

PPP/C councillors Alfonso DeArmas and Don Singh speaking with vendors outside the Kitty market building

A group of street vendors who were recently removed from in front of Popeyes on Water Street, Georgetown, staged a protest yesterday outside the Kitty Market complex, where the Georgetown City Council statutory meetings are hosted.

The vendors, expressing frustration and despair, sought to voice their grievances after losing their primary source of income.

Stabroek News was present at the scene and spoke with several vendors, who shared the difficulties they now face in providing for their families. Many said they are unsure how they will earn their livelihood moving forward. One vendor, a mother, explained that her financial situation has become so dire that she can no longer afford to send her children to school. She expressed deep concern regarding the future of her family’s well-being and her children’s education, stating that the sudden eviction left her overwhelmed and stressed.