The trucks have never stopped using the Railway Embankment three weeks after the Ministry of Public Works’ edict forbidding its use

Dear Editor,

On August 31, 2024, the Ministry of Public Works issued a statement informing all truck drivers that with immediate effect, they must refrain from using the Railway Embankment corridor. While the main reason for this restriction was damage to the road infrastructure by the trucks, the most important reason, for me, was the adverse effect these trucks pose to the lives of residents and road users. This recognition by the MoPW was encouraging and surely, the motorcycles with loud exhausts and cars with speakers facing out of their back seat windows would be next in our quest to provide a peaceful environment for our residents.

Alas, three weeks have passed since this missive was issued and the trucks have never stopped using this road. In fact, they have become more blatant with blaring horns and moving in convoys of 3 and more during the day and night. It is no secret that traffic noise is detrimental to the health and wellbeing of people. The loud noise, dust and exhaust emitted from vehicles are damaging to both our physical and mental health. While infrastructure can be fixed and upgraded, the impact of traffic noise on people must be treated as a priority.

Additionally, it is suggested that a traffic assessment be carried out on the Railway Embankment Road between Giftland and UG road, and in particular, the intersection of MovieTowne road. The daily accidents and traffic congestion on this section of road is indicative of a traffic management issue.


Zorina Gafoor