There is greater optimism within the populace under the incumbent regime

Dear Editor,

As another election year approaches, there is increased activity from all the political entities to convince the electorate that they are the best choice. The choice in my humble opinion is simple. I will present my case.

The current government, which continues to tirelessly trumpet its virtues and is not taking anything for granted, has very little to prove to the objective among us. It is as clear as day. There is unparalleled vision in its ranks. A higher percentage of us are existing in greater comfort than under the previous administration.

The accelerated pace of development at present is staggering, particularly when juxtaposed with the exasperating days of indecision, incompetence, instability and inertia under A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC). A sense of purpose now pervades our society. There is positivity, because the promises of hope are being presented in realistic fashion by the leaders of the incumbent administration. Unlike the fanciful thinking and inauthentic assurances of the David Granger-led coalition.

There aren’t the repeated cries of the unemployed these days. Opportunities are at literally at every corner. The pursuit of success is more spirited. Even the immigrants who are flocking our land have seamlessly fit into the plotted course and adopted the mindset that hope springs eternal in such environments.

Of course, I speak not of a utopian existence, but the core of our society has gained a stability that needs not be unnecessarily tampered with, particularly by those whose only interests are selfish. There are stark differences between the two choices. Guyana is on the right track; we’re not going back! I rest my case.


Sherwin Crandon