Gov’t says engaged in complete rehab of East Bank Public Road

The Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) wants the public to know that it is aware of the issues and challenges faced by commuters using the East Bank Public Road and is engaged in the complete rehabilitation of the public road, in refutation of those critics who say that the administration has no plans to address the problem.

In a release yesterday, the MoPW acknowledged that the East Bank thoroughfare, throughout the course of its existence has endured significant stress resulting from both the volume of vehicular traffic, as well as, the weight of trucks, and both articulated and non-articulated vehicles. These factors, it observed, has resulted in the deformation of the road surface, with its complete rehabilitation presenting a major challenge due to massive traffic flow that it facilitates both day and night. As such, in an effort to keep traffic flowing, MoPW has had to resort periodic maintenance work to various sections of the carriageway at a time, a patchwork approach at best.