Protection order granted against PNM Senator Laurel Lezama Lee Sing

Government Senator Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing
Government Senator Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing

(Trinidad Guardian) Yesterday, Daren Lee Sing offered no comment on a document in which he reportedly gained a restraining order against his wife, PNM Senator Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing.

The purported court document began circulating on social media yesterday.

In it, the Family Court ruled in favour of Daren Lee Sing by granting an Interim Protection Order against his wife.

It said with effect from September 19 and continuing until it is revoked, withdrawn, dismissed or a final order is made, Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing is not to engage or threaten to engage in the physical abuse of her husband by use of her hands, fists or any implements or by throwing any missiles or any object at or towards her husband.

Lezama-Lee Sing did not appear in the matter nor was she represented by an attorney.

Contacted on the matter,  Daren Lee Sing said he had no comment on the matter.

Efforts to contact Lezama-Lee Sing have proved futile thus far.