This is a simple case of noise nuisance at Mabaruma which has disrupted the life of my family

Dear Editor,

I would like to share my side of the story so everyone can have some clarity on the issue as a lot of lies and baseless accusations have been made and published on social media and many news outlets and individuals without knowing the facts.

Firstly, I am also a Christian and I respect everyone’s right to religious freedom and rights to worship. This issue is not a religious one it is a noise nuisance issue. I was born in Moruca Region 1 where I attended nursery and primary school in Mabaruma and Moruca. I grew up as a member of the Santa Rosa Roman Catholic Church until I left to go and further my studies and work in region two and four. I returned to Mabaruma in 2012 with my wife and son to start a small business in a building owned by my father in what I would consider the commercial district of Maba-ruma. It was always the goal of me and my wife to own our own home. In 2015 we had finally saved up some money to purchase a piece of land in Mabaruma Settlement where we started construction of our home. In February 2017 we were finally able to move out of the shop and into our semi-finished home. Since acquiring the property there has been no conflict between me and my neighbours and we were able to enjoy the tranquility of our home for seven years. In February 2024 I started observing loud music coming from my neighbour who I know as Miss Santiago. This noise continued four to five times a week. One night during these loud music sessions my son was very ill so I approached my neighbour and asked her if she could kindly lower the volume of the amplifiers as my son was very ill. She informed me they were having a birthday party. This music issue continued four to five times a week from 6:30 pm to 10 pm sometimes 11 pm. I approached them twice after and asked them to please have some consideration for the neighbour as the noise was affecting me and my wife’s sleep which is affecting us psychologically and also affecting my son’s studies. I was completely ignored in my requests. The fourth time I approached them asking them to kindly lower the volume during the month of March I was met with hostility so I chose not to approach them again.

Since then, we have been trying to bear up with the loud music even leaving our home on many occasions and waiting in the car on the roadside till after 10pm some nights. For the first time in his life my son’s academics has severely declined by this disturbance which can be verified by his school reports card. Me and my wife’s health is also severely affected due to loss of sleep. After watching my family suffering from the loud music for so long it finally became overbearing, and I went to the police to ask for assistance in the matter. The police told me later they visited and warned the music technician of the complaint and asked them to lower the music system volume. That request was completely ignored and me and my family continued to be bombarded with loud music and heavy bass. Several times after then when the music and shouting got overbearing, I went and asked the police for help and many times I was ignored.

I was also confronted at my business place by the music technician of the church, Rondel Morgou who told me he has information that it was me who called the police to report the noise nuisance and he wanted to let me know that bigger music systems are coming in and there is nothing anybody can do as he was protected by the Regional Chairman. He has since made good on his threat. I was also approached by my gate and had insults hurled at me by men purporting to be members of the church. I did not respond at any time to Mr Rondel or his father. I also reported those matters to the police.

Getting no help from the police I decided to write the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in March 2024 for help on the noise nuisance issue. After waiting several weeks with no response from the EPA I went to the commander and pleaded with him to please look in to the matter which he promised to do. That attempt was also futile. I went back to the commander several weeks after and he told me he was out of the region, I reminded of his promise to look into the matter which he promised to do again. On 1st August 2024 a police vehicle showed up at my home and the police officer informed me that the commander was requesting my presence at the Mabaruma police station at 1 pm for a meeting with the pastor and myself. The meeting was kept in the commander’s office with a sergeant, the commander, brother Mike Morgou and myself. I made myself clear that I have nothing against religious worship. During the meeting the commander informed us on the laws of the right to worship and the laws of noise nuisance. He provided some suggestions to the pastor on how the issue could be mitigated such as using a smaller music system and possibly facing the speaker boxes in a different direction. He also suggested that I donate to the church to help with the construction to which both me and pastor Mike Morgou agreed. We shook hands after. He also requested the sergeant do a follow up to ensure both parties are satisfied. Shortly after the meeting, my family and I left to go to Georgetown for a couple of weeks. Upon returning we were disappointed to find out the promise by pastor Mike Morgou was not upheld. The 11th of September 2024 I received a call from an EPA officer informing me he was in Mabaruma to check on a noise complaint I had made to the organization which I confirmed. He informed me that when he was ready to visit the location he would call me to accompany him. He then called me back and ask if I would be available after lunch to do the visit to which I told him yes. I never received back a call from the officer. On the 12th of September I called the EPA officer to inquire about the matter and he told me he had given the pastor some suggestions to mitigate the issue. He also informed me that there was no sound testing equipment available in Mabaruma to do testing. I then asked him if it was  possible  for me to purchase the equipment and have it calibrated by the necessary authorities. He told me I would have to contact his supervisor for whom he provided a cell phone number and asked that I send video evidence to the same number. Pastor Rocky is claiming that the EPA officer did testing at the church and my home in my presence which is a complete lie. At no time was I ever in the presence of the EPA officer.

The loud noise from the music remained unchanged throughout this time. On Thursday the 19th of September at 7:30 pm I made a report to the Mabaruma police station again about the noise nuisance and was told by the rank that nothing could be done because the sergeant was not in.

On Friday the 20th of September at 8 pm I went again to the Mabaruma police station to report the noise and was told again by the rank that nothing can be done as the sergeant was not available. I then related to the rank that I will sit in the station until the sergeant returns as the psychological torture from the noise was unbearable to me and my family. While sitting on the station bench alone I was approached by someone who identified himself as the new commander for the region and he asked me what my problem was. I explained the situation and the duration of the ongoing issue also explaining that I don’t have any issue with the church just the loud music and shouting over the microphone. I was told to give a statement and sign to it. While giving the report I saw three males coming into the station. One of the males immediately started making derogatory remarks suggesting I was abused as a child and probably had bad parents growing up. I did not respond to any of the remarks. I learnt the next day that the individual making the remarks to me was Pastor Rocky Ramdeen. After giving my statement, I asked the police if I could leave and they told me yes. I subsequently left the police station and returned home.

On Friday 20th of September 2024, I contacted the EPA by WhatsApp message and told the officer the level of noise remained unchanged and also provided him with video evidence. I was replied to by WhatsApp message saying recommendations were given to the pastor to mitigate the issue and a letter to this effect will be send to the pastor. On Saturday the 21st of September 2024 while in my home I heard Pastor Rocky preaching loudly calling my name many times and provocatively boasting of his political connections to the Vice President, President and the Regional Chairman and insinuating to use those political connections to victimize my business by blocking me from getting government contracts. All of this has been recorded.

I find his behaviour very disrespectful to these leaders which can lead to tarnishing of reputations and public image. On Sunday 22nd I was alerted to videos on various social media posts made by Pastor Rocky accusing the police of taking bribes and suggesting the police being in the narcotics trade. He is also accusing me of bribing police officers and dealing with evil and accusing me of having a bacoo and suggesting I should move out of my home. He is also saying my home is over two thousand feet away from the church which is a complete lie. The church is under four hundred feet from my home. He is also saying that this is only a crusade which is a lie. This music is blasted 5 times a week, every week.  I find these accusations very repulsive and damaging to my reputation which will in turn affect my business and family. Today the 23rd of September my son came home from school and told me his classmates are asking him

if his father deals with evil. I have always had good relations with everyone I interacted throughout this Region. It was quite shocking to some of my neighbours on a video claiming I’m trying to fight them down when I have always assisted when asked. It was also observed on social media that people are making this a political and religious issue which this is not. There is also a lot of deliberate misinformation being shared to gain political mileage accusing me

of having ties to political parties when I have none. I have never been involved in politics and have no intention of ever doing so. I have never even exercised my right to vote. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. This is a noise nuisance issue which has been affecting people throughout this country with many people afraid to voice their plight due to the fear of being victimized and categorized as I am currently going through. I hope someday these matters can be dealt with without people being demonized and attacked. I believe in religious choice and worship as well as citizens’ rights to be undisturbed by their neighbours, both of which are enshrined in the constitution. I’m just asking for some peace and tranquility which I think everyone deserves, so me and my family can enjoy our home and family time after working all day. I hope this issue can be dealt with in a fair manner to all parties involved, without involving religion and politics and dealing with the issue at hand which is noise nuisance.

Thank you.

Sheldon Baharally