Sukhai captures Amsterdam ‘Round the Town’ Road Race

The respective divisional winners and top three finishers in the 3rd Annual Ian Amsterdam ‘Ride around Town’ Cycling Road Race.
The respective divisional winners and top three finishers in the 3rd Annual Ian Amsterdam ‘Ride around Town’ Cycling Road Race.

Veteran cyclist Jaikarran Sukhai rolled back the years on Sunday in New Amsterdam, Berbice, to defeat a field of 18 cyclists from Regions 5 and 6 to win the feature 7-lap event in the 3rd Annual Ian Amsterdam ‘Round the Town’ Cycling Road Race.

Hosted by the Flying Ace Cycle Club of Berbice, the race route began from Republic Road and Charles Place into Violet Street, then on to Main Street before heading to Stanleytown, around the Tacama Turn, and back into Republic Road to complete a lap.

Sukhai completed the seven-lap feature event in one hour and 10 minutes to clinch first place ahead of Andre ‘Padlock’ Greene and Sidwell Sandy, who had to settle for second and third place in that order.