Early Saturday morning murders have stained the name of the once proud village of Leonora

Dear Editor,

As the dawn of last Saturday morning patiently waited to discard the dark of Friday night to break into another God gifted day, the Universe choose to designate that Saturday as “International Day of Peace.”  When most Guyanese were soundly asleep at 2:45 am as they rightfully should be, a few in Leonora chose to portray the dark side of the village in the brawling area of Albert Loo Street. By having their premises opened for “business” in the wee and “holy” hours of the morning, they disgracefully dispensed the slaughtering of the very essence of human life and mangled the hard work and sacrifice of the United Nations itself of which, Guyana assiduously subscribes to.

Wary of profit and oblivious of peace, liquor and food bar owners marooned the opportunity of giving Guyana a chance to subscribe to the peace our President proudly promotes. Albert Loo Street was finally physically painted with the liquid which is reserved for the arteries and veins of humans for preservation, thereby qualifying the humiliation of the now infamous “Red Light Zone” of Leonora. What a way to go and stain the name of a once proud village.

Leonorians are now fully ashamed of this tragedy and hold those who house the accommodation of such an environment for the despicable monstrosity, as accomplished architects for providing the foundation for such eventuality. Leonorians in the diaspora are totally embarrassed that Leonora has been disrobed of her dignity. Leonora sympathises with the members of the bereaved families.

Yet, this unsavory incident does not deter the conscience of profiteers. On the contrary, plans are not amiss for futuristic expansion to include more inconvenience to the neighbourhood. Will the relevant authorities accede to their barefaced request at the detriment of Leonora? The protection of people lies in the hands of the legal authorities. Will the villagers of Leonora be let down?


Jai Lall