Jagdeo’s olive branch to Thom tells that all is not lost in Guyana

Dear Editor,

I write when I am sad, and I write when I am mad or glad. A recent article in our daily newspapers evoked in me a mixture of these emotions. I refer to the incident involving renowned artist, Guyanese sculptor and Administrator of the E.R. Burrowes School of Art, Ian Ivor Thom, who in statesman – like fashion, tendered his resignation as head of the Burrowes School of Art, because of the pain of being disrespected on more than one occasion. Hats off to you sir! We need more people like you who stand up for truth and right and less of the “ connected” who display their palpable emptiness when challenged; who cannot entertain constructive dialogue, but need to reach for their cell phones for back-up!

What did this distinguished gentleman do wrong? Was he required to shut down his brain when faced with a “brainless”? Was it wrong for him to point out to someone, in this lax society where some buy their driver’s licence, that he had parked badly and in fact should not be parking there at all? I felt your pain, sir, yet I am not one to propogate strife. I believe in peace and forgiveness. Mr. Jagdeo extended the olive branch. He asked that you withdraw your resignation. This signals to me that all is not lost; that none of us is one hundred percent evil.

I am glad that you have accepted the olive branch, and have resumed duties as Administrator. Our students, and in fact our country, would have had too much to lose by your premature departure.

I long for the day when we as Guyanese can genuinely live and love and laugh together, putting aside race and foolisness! An apology from the young Minister of Culture (and I’m all for youth), for misuse and abuse of power, would put the icing on the cake! One Guyana forever…


Claudia Heywood